Friday 4 May 2007

Για τρείς λόγους:

1. Επειδή ο Κλέαρχος παραπονέθηκε ότι δε γράφω
2. Επειδή η Σοφία έβαλε την φωτογραφία με το Maypole
3. Επειδή διάβασα τα χαΐρια του Derek με το Vappu και ακολούθησε συνομιλία θρησκειολογικού περιεχομένου

ορίστε οπτικοακουστικό βοήθημα, από την ταινία The Wicker Man (την παλιά με τον Christopher Lee, όχι το νεόκοπο γεώμηλο με τον Nicholas Cage).

In the woods there grew a tree
And a fine, fine tree was he!
And on that tree, there was a limb
And on that limb, there was a branch
And on that branch, there was a nest
And in that nest, there was an egg
And in that egg, there was a bird
And from that bird, a feather came
And on that feather was a bed.
And on that bed, there was a girl
And on that girl, there was a man
And from that man, there was a seed
And from that seed, there was a boy
And from that boy, there was a man
And for that man, there was a grave
And on that grave there grew a tree.


Σοφία said...

Καλά, δεν το συζητώ. Είσαι άπαιχτη!

Φαίδρα said...


seaina said...

Χα χα χα!!

Φαίδρα said...

Πού να δείς και το υπόλοιπο έργο!